1,158 players. 5,089 vehicles destroyed. 53,729 kills. Big numbers, is what I'm saying.
Over the weekend, community site PlanetSide Battles managed to rally 1,158 players to smash the Guinness world record for single largest online first-person shooter battle. Their game of choice was, of course, PlanetSide 2, SOE's MMOFPS about angry people in purple pajamas killing each other infinitely, until the end of time. It's great fun! Here's a video of the carnage (set to Fall Out Boy, naturally), per WaffleVFX.
The record was previously held Man vs Machine, which drew 999 players. That is, in fairness, a much prettier number than 1,158, but it is not bigger. I asked a calculator, and it called me an idiot. Here are more big numbers:
Total Streamers | 2,338 |
Kills | 53,729 |
Team Kills | 3,822 |
Bases Captured | 31 |
Vehicles Destroyed | 5,089 |
Air Vehicles Destroyed | 2,509 |
Top Weapon | Orion VS54 (3,382 kills) |
Top Vehicle | Sunderer (2,041 kills) |
Higby Killed by Knife | 2 |
If you're really into watching lots of people fire lots of bullets, you can also watch the entire battle from multiple fronts.