I'll confess, one reason I'm glad I moved to Oregon is that the onset of damp weather and gloomy skies means I can…
Hell yeah! McMike is not around to pose the question, so it's up to me. As for what I'll be playing, looks like NHL…
Me? Still happily playing Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story for the Nintendo DS. I was hoping to have it…
Should the stars align this weekend, I'll be playing Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. But that may turn out to…
While I was away in Germany and the Netherlands, a copy of Rock Band 2 "special edition" was shipped to my house. I…
Like thousands of Blizzcon and Gamescom attendees, I'll be playing a little Diablo III this weekend, abusing my…
I'll be eyeballs deep in Shadow Complex for Xbox Live Arcade this weekend, feverishly attempting to 100% the game…
It's been a busy month, with moving, travel and a handful of guests staying at Kotaku Towers West. Not much time…
If things work out the right way this weekend, I'll be playing a little Shadow Complex, just one of many still…
I'll be bobbing and weaving through the Comic-Con masses this weekend, being elbowed by Imperial Stormtroopers,…
I'll be giving Twisted Pixel's 'Splosion Man a go this weekend, the Xbox Live Arcade game that will kick off…
Thank God it's Friday. This has been a hell of a week, one I hope to forget with the help of thousands of Terran…
Most of my weekend will be spent playing a little real-life Tetris, as I attempt to find open slots for all the…
I just walked in the door, fresh from a taping of the Bonus Round for GameTrailers.com only to be greeted by two new…
This weekend's another busy one at Kotaku Towers West, as we plan for the move to a larger facility, rummage through…
It is entirely possible that I'll be playing Plants Vs. Zombies this weekend, as I'm in possession of a new power…
After a week's worth of pastry for breakfast, pizza for lunch and taquitos for dinner, not to mention all that…
Me? Probably squat and bupkis, as with the impending arrival of E3 and Sunday's Kotaku and Meat Bun party, I've got…
My fellow Americans and I will be enjoying the pleasures of a three-day weekend, thanks to the arrival of Memorial…
This weekend, my Wii will be getting a workout as I jab my way through the rest of the World Circuit in Nintendo's Pu…