Continuing the 10th anniversary celebration for EverQuest, Sony Online Entertainment is debuting a full-length…
With insane amounts of people flocking to Free Realms, what does Sony Online Entertainment have planned to keep…
First they hit one million players within weeks of release. Then they hit 2 million a week and a half later. Where…
After nearly four years in operation, the machines now greatly outnumber the players and The Matrix Online is no…
Been a while since we heard anything about Sony's upcoming PS3 & PC MMO "The Agency". But with E3 rapping at our…
A week and a half after reaching the million player mark, Sony Online Entertainment's Free Realms has gone and…
Sony Online Entertainment's new family-friendly online game Free Realms has exploded out of the gate, with more…
Based on Stephen Chow's over-the-top martial arts movie Kung Fu Hustle, this free massively multiplayer game hopes…
DC Universe Online gives gamers a chance to become a super hero or villain in a world familiar to any comic book…
Announcing the appearance of Superman killer Doomsday once apparently wasn't enough for Sony Online Entertainment,…
What better way to herald the launch of Sony Online Entertainment's new family friendly online game Free Realms…
After only a few weeks of closed beta testing, Sony Online Entertainment has taken down the servers for Free Realms…
In advance of the release of their family-friendly online multiplayer game Free Realms, Sony Online Entertainment…
While Amanda is far too young to remember, I was there for the launch of the original Everquest. I wrote about the…
One of the first MMORPGs to pioneer sucking the souls out of gamers and Player versus Player interactions has just…
There are plenty of commemorative days across the globe. Some honour great men/women, some honour great events, some…
Sony Online Entertainment's free-to-play, family-friendly massively multiplayer online game Free Realms enters…
Wizard Magazine completely spoils Sony Online Entertainment's fun, outing comic book legend Marv Wolfman as the new …
The PlayStation 3 just got a bit more casual, as Sony Online Entertainment announces a deal to bring five PopCap…
Having had tremendous success with their online collectible card games, Sony Online Entertainment has caught…