After nearly four years in operation, the machines now greatly outnumber the players and The Matrix Online is no longer necessary.
July 31st is the day the machines finally triumph. Sony Online Entertainment has held on to The Matrix Online for far longer than we ever expected they would, but as producer Dan Myers puts it, all good things must end.
Now we've seen how far the rabbit hole goes and it's time to wake up from that dream (or go back to sleep, depending how you look at it). On July 31, 2009, we will be jacking out for the last time. It's a bittersweet moment for everyone involved with the game; as a player or as a developer.
I remember being extremely excited when The Matrix Online was first announced, looking forward to something completely different for the massively multiplayer RPG genre, and while the game did deliver, perhaps it was just a bit too different for most people's tastes.
Don't expect The Matrix Online to go quietly, however. As is tradition with dying MMO games, Dan hints at big plans for the final days of MxO.
All Good Things Must End [The Matrix Online - Thanks Bob]