Until Dawn has been in development for a very long time. It was originally announced as a PS Move game for the PS3…

Microsoft's dream of a Kinect-controlled future has hit the skids. The Wii was basically a really, really long fad,…
I played the Wii for the first time at a trade show in Leipzig, Germany. The consoles were set up in tents, shielded…
Is this a new PlayStation Move? There's a newly-published Sony patent for a certain "flat joystick controller" which seems to look a lot like a PlayStation Move, but with a touchpad on the front.

It was an idea so good that it vaulted Nintendo into first place last-gen with a console using last-last-gen…

I don't always enjoy motion controls, but if there's one game that I feel shouldn't be without them, it's the one…

A while back, Sixense Studios delivered the InMotion DLC—which consisted of a bunch of new levels optimized for for…
Yesterday, a patent filed by Sony Computer Entertainment way back in May of 2011 was finally published, revealing…
Wonderbook; The Book of Spells, the not-really-Harry-Potter-but-endorsed-by-J.K.-Rowling-so-you-think-it-is bundle…

There's a new horror game coming to PlayStation 3 called Until Dawn. It's sort of built like a teen horror movie;…
Companies want us to play games one way. We actually play them another way.

Developers Sixense have announced that a bunch of new Portal content is coming to the PlayStation 3. It's called Po…

It's either the cutest or the most ridiculous thing we'll see at this year's E3, but it's a thing: Sony has…

Nearly two years ago at E3 2010, Sony showed off a game that demonstrated the true potential the PlayStation Move.…
In today's moving edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Aikage teases us all with stop motion porn. Oh, and he…
People do recreational drugs for a lot of reasons: addiction, boredom, energy, depression, relaxation. But there…
What the hell is this? A steering wheel? A jet fighter's yoke? It's certainly a peripheral for the PlayStation Move,…
At GDC, Sony engineer Gabe Ahn proclaimed that 10 million PlayStation Move units have been shipped to retailers…

Sega announced this morning that both House of the Dead 3 and House of the Dead 4 will be coming to the PS3 as…