After the flawed Resistance 2, a game that drained the joy from the PlayStation 3's once very promising shooter…
Remember that PlayStation Move controller you bought last year? Well, they're still making games for it! Resistance 3…
4am is the latest title on Q-Games' PixelJunk brand. Details about the game are scant, even though there is a…
We are about a year into hardcore shooter gaming played with the PlayStation Move—an experience that, from day one,…
A video popped up overnight showing a disembodied hand feeling stuff in the middle of a forest. It's a little…
We would never call master filmmaker Freddie Wong a sell-out. But, the use of the SharpShooter and the Resistance 3…
Gal Gun, the upskirt-action-packed shooter released in Japan for Xbox 360 earlier this year, is also coming to PS3…
LittleBigPlanet 2 will roll a PlayStation Move-enabled DLC pack on Sept. 14. Pricing isn't set yet, but with the…
No, you are not looking at a wine opener. This is apparently the new PlayStation Move GT Racer. And it looks silly.
Hong Kong electronics distributor FirstSing claims to have the world's first third-party PlayStation Move…
I have this silly daydream of a Kinect-enabled baseball game. In it, you can call for your runner to steal by going…
What's next for Namco Bandai's smart, hi-def remake series, Namco Generations, after Pac-Man Championship Edition…
If using a small monkey to cut off sections of clothing is your thing, listen up. Dancing Eye is coming to the PS3,…
So, yes, I saw the Phaser. The PlayStation Move attachment showed off to oohs and aahs at Sony's E3 press conference…
Yeah, when this was first unveiled yesterday, for a split second we thought it was a new MediEvil game too. Sadly,…
E3 is a den of promises. Promises sell products. And according to the cynics of the world, promises are meant to be…
A recent Sony patent shows a camera-enable PSP dock that allows players to use PlayStation Move controls.
I don't know if I'll ever be sold on the idea that motion-control in first-person shooters can provide any greater…