Though Child of Eden, the rhythm-action game from Tetsuya Mizuguchi, is still due for a Kinect-enabled June 14…
Like previous port No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise, upcoming adults-only Move-supported title No More Heroes: Red…
PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 will support Sony's PlayStation Move motion controller and the Sharpshooter gun…
As all three home consoles now have motion-control peripherals, what does the future hold for the humble gamepad? As…
PlayStation 3 platformer LittleBigPlanet 2 is expert at doing many things—imitating other video games, imitating clas…
Already released in Japan as Furi! Furi! Sarugetchu, the PlayStation Move-powered Ape Escape is finally coming to…
Yesterday Sony unveiled Move.Me, a software application that allows hobbyists and academics access to the Move…
Sony gives SOCOM fans a chance to gear up for the new age of motion-controlled shooters with the $150 Full…
If Killzone 3 will be the game that finally convinces you to become a PlayStation 3 owner, this is the package for…
The PlayStation Move motion sensing controller could, someday soon, work officially with more than just your…
Still waiting to join the ranks of PlayStation Move owners? If the PlayStation 3's take on Wii Sports wasn't your…
Well regarded as a series, Top Spin's last entry in 2008 took some risks that were, in hindsight, inadvisable for an…
Virtua Tennis 4 will support Kinect when it arrives this spring, making it just the second sports title with…
Patched in post-release to NBA 2K11, 3D and PlayStation Move support will be in 2K Sports' Top Spin 4 at its March…
In multiplayer shooters, I'm the worst, and peripherals offer the seductive idea of an advantage. CTA Digital's…
MLB 11 The Show will get PlayStation Move support but I wouldn't put high hopes on it. The only supported feature…
Delayed shooter SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is coming to the PlayStation 3—with PlayStation Move support—this April.
PlayStation Move Heroes, featuring Jak, Daxter, Sly, Bentley, Ratchet and Clank, is coming out on March 22.
EA Sports today released a complete 18-hole flyover of Augusta National, as it will appear in Tiger Woods PGA Tour…
No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise is coming to North America only on the PlayStation 3 and bringing PlayStation Move…