The first one was infamously dubbed a Halo-killer. The second gave the PlayStation faithful something impressive to…
Earlier this week, Guerilla Games released a report on the studio's PlayStation 4 reveal demonstration, which had…

I've seen quite a few fan films in my time, but this one blows most out of the water. It's not surprising to learn…
Andrejs Skuja works at Killzone developers Guerilla Games, where he's currently a senior concept artist specialising…
This week, Sony announced a new experiment in free-to-play gaming coming to the Playstation Network, in their most…
It's funny, considering Killzone 2 was so bleak, Killzone 3 remains one of, if not the best-looking game on the PS3,…
In today's Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Armstrongjx4 expresses his desire to see humanity fall to the Chimera in…
The Killzone series may be mired in darkness and a convoluted storyline, but one thing that always keeps me coming…
E3 is a den of promises. Promises sell products. And according to the cynics of the world, promises are meant to be…
Now that Killzone 3 players can get online and kill each other once again, Guerrilla Games and Sony gives them…

The escalating conflict between the ISA and the Helghast plays out on a much smaller scale in Killzone Universe, a…

Killzone and Killzone 2 were drab, bleak affairs. Killzone 3, on the other hand, dared to add a little colour to the…

It's as simple as attaching a fake set of arms to your back and wearing a double-sided necktie. Just make sure you…
Events like last weekend's PAX East lend themselves to video game crossovers you'd never see outside of real life.
Few video games deal with the touchy subject of religion seriously. When they do, they often deal with the more…

It's as simple as attaching a fake set of arms to your back and wearing a double-sided necktie. Just make sure you…
Killzone 3 cinematics director Jim Sonzero was feeling the heat. Long, brutal days turned into nights — nothing new…

This short fan film, by YouTube user pwnisher, isn't a piece of sponsored Killzone 3 marketing. But it's so…

Killzone 3 is at its best when it's most unrecognizable.