MLB 2K10 releases tomorrow, and the first person to chuck a perfect game on it - under certain conditions - gets a…
Sometimes I wonder if, in the future, a sports commissioner raised among our generation will fire up NBA 2K37 at the…
So, MLB 2K10 releases on Tuesday, officially delivering to you this hitters-vs-pitchers battle it's been touting…
Glitch videos were commonplace after MLB 2K9's release but I never expected 2K Sports to make one of its one.…
With both baseball titles running up against a March 2 weekend date, MLB 2K10 today was the first to pull the demo…
Game Informer got a nine-minute gameplay exclusive for MLB 2K10 that you can see at the link. IGN has the embeddable…
I'd heard about this during my preview with the game last month - MLB 2K10 cover athlete Evan Longoria asked for…
Game Informer has been posting a running hands-on blog with MLB 2K10 and the game's initial team ratings are…
I've never thrown a 102-mph fastball in any inning of any game, let alone the ninth, but I'm guessing it requires…
Since we just got off this discussion of how hitting will work - now with check swings! - in MLB 2K10, here's a…
A mini-foofaraw stirred up after MLB 2K10 previews revealed the game had no check-swing mechanic. 2K Sports felt an…
Fifteen more images for MLB 2K0 showcase the game's new two-player animations, adjusted batting eye, and progression…
Fifteen years ago, in the infancy of console sports simulations, 38 baseball players made a choice that would ensure…
This year MLB 2K10 is introducing a ton of new motion captures, including two-player animations that cut down on the…
2K Sports is offering a $1 million prize to the first player to throw a perfect game in MLB 2K10, laying down the…
2K Sports' baseball franchise, maybe more than any other sports title, will have this year's title judged against…
Last year, MLB 2K9 rubbed plenty the wrong way when park dimensions and outfield signage seemed blatantly…
I don't speak Spanish (pardon my grammar; I don't speak no Spanish) but I halfway think that Seattle's Felix…
Steve Phillips, fired from his ESPN analyst's gig after an embarrassing affair with a production assistant, remains…
Tampa Bay's Evan Longoria is the coverboy for MLB 2K10, but the third baseman's bringing backup. With this…