Still sensitive about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 spoilers? Then this explosive new trailer for the game might…
Seems kind of obvious to say in light of recent developments, but in an interview with Develop magazine, the Infinity…
Those Modern Warfare 2 Avatar goodies - of which Robert Bowling said "some" would be free right? - are going to Xbox…
PC gamers may find one more reason to grumble about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, as Infinity Ward has confirmed…
The first Modern Warfare was truly a multi-platform release, appearing on the Xbox 360, PS3, PC/Mac and a Nintendo…
Microsoft is dropping the price of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Variety Map Pack for the last week it will be…
Well, fresh on the heels of the killstreak list, we've got another claim to the multiplayer perk set. You know the…
The early PC Xbox 360 leak of Modern Warfare 2 continues to churn spoilers. Yesterday we saw the video of what you…
Amazon's pitting city against town against village in a promotion to see which American municpality orders the most…
Following stern criticism from two games writers yesterday, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling pulled back a viral video…
Multiplayer spoiler alert, I guess. Should you be awesome enough to rack up 25 straight kills in Modern Warfare 2,…
Well. This is edgy as all get-out. Phillies pitcher Cole Hamels comes to Modern Warfare 2 to tell us that…
In case you failed to read the headline, Spoiler Warning! This is the opening of Modern Warfare 2 and it's so…
That footage of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 being played in the third person? Totally legit. The external camera…
Modern Warfare is one of the best first-person-shooters in recent memory. What if the sequel was not only a FPS.…
PC gamers still planning on picking up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 may want to take a look at the Steam version,…
What's your preferred wartime headgear of choice? Scuba mask, combat helmet, gas mask or Mohawk? I like Mohawk…
This was a doozy of a week for Kotaku Talk Radio with Totilo, myself and oodles of listeners weighing in on the…
Infinity Ward's revelation that Modern Warfare 2 for the PC would drop dedicated servers for online multiplayer in…
On November 10, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be released in the United States. Those planning on getting…