Fall Guys is on PC, other games are on PC, so of course modders are working to bring the not-so-little beans to…
Not only is Fall Guys a big hit, but the jelly bean characters themselves are also big—measuring in at six feet to…
Every once in a while, you come across a phenomenon that refuses to fit neatly into the otherwise universal boxes of…
Fall Guys, which has only just launched on PC and PS4, is also coming to mobile phones at some point in the future. C…
If you’ve played Fall Guys, this has happened to you: You’re about to cross the finish line. Everything’s looking…
Game development, like any creative endeavor, is an iterative exercise in brainstorming and fine-tuning. A recent…
Fall Guys is great, but if there’s one thing on which most players can agree, it’s that the team-based mini-games…
We live in divided times, but for the past few days, nearly every person living has been united by a single shared…
The Twitter for bean-flavored battle royale Fall Guys reached one million followers today, prompting the popular…
It’s an inescapable fact that the world is full of assholes, and the same can be said of Fall Guys. But sometimes…
Since the launch of wildly successful battle royale Fall Guys, Twitter brands have been falling over themselves to…
My partner hates playing online games, but this weekend I made him try Fall Guys and now our relationship is in…
Fall Guys has taken the internet by storm. It seems everywhere I look I see some guys falling. And that was the…
I don’t deal with stagnancy well. If I have a bad run in Fall Guys, for instance, I’ll often tinker with my bean…
After a launch week full of server issues, the Fall Guys devs are offering players a few compensatory gifts to make…
I prefer games that don’t require much auditory attention so that I can listen to music while I play. Fall Guys is…
Chaotic battle royale Fall Guys is getting its first big update tomorrow, which will reintroduce a stage from the…
The struggle against hackers is never-ending even for mega-studios like Epic, Valve, Blizzard, and Riot, so when Fall…
If this happened to me I would simply never play video games ever again.