Fall Guys is on PC, other games are on PC, so of course modders are working to bring the not-so-little beans to everything from Skyrim to Resident Evil 3.
OK so those two are the just first and I think only games to feature such mods, but I’m assuming appearances in The Witcher 3, Hearts of Iron IV and Civilization VI are only days away.
Let’s start with Skyrim. m150's “FallGuysFollowers” does what it suggests, and gives you a bunch of Fall Guys followers, along with custom armour and weapons for your player character:
Resident Evil 3's mod, meanwhile, was made by XxCRAZYPOTATOxX and is called Jilly Bean. It turns Jill, Carlos and Nemesis into beans, and looks incredible while doing it:
You can download Jilly Bean here.