Well-read sales analysis enthusiasts are already well aware that some of January's most anticipated games did not…
By "shooters", I'm not talking about third-person or first-person shooters. I'm talking shooting games. You know,…
SEGA has had a tough past nine months. But haven't we all? There were bright spots.
Sega has released an update for the PlayStation 3 version of Bayonetta, addressing one of the complaints we had…
Not all multi-platform games are the same. Take SEGA's Bayonetta, for example.
From the first released trailer to the ending credits, my Bayonetta experience was a roller coaster of emotions. I…
Bayonetta, the "climax" action game, features a gun-heel wearing, pistol-slinging heroine names Bayonetta. The game…
Sex sells, but what about combining sex with guns, magic hair, gigantic bosses, and over-the-top action? The…
PlatinumGames, the team behind classy brawler Bayonetta, have announced that an art book for the game is to be…
Also on Kotaku Talk Radio today, Fahey introduced us to "Reaping Beauty," rapper MC Lars' shout-out to Bayonetta.…
Frustrated by the lack of a premium collector's edition for Sega's Bayonetta, Kotakuite SonicTHP took matters into…
Platinum Games has concocted a new brand of action hero in Bayonetta, an angel-slaying witch with long legs, long…
Now that Sega has shipped Platinum Games' infinite climax action game Bayonetta to stores, the third release from…
Well, not quite yet. The unpainted prototype for Square Enix's Play Arts branded Bayonetta figurine was revealed at…
Every year has its moments suitable for framing. Here, our look back at 2009 presents the ones meant for stuffing…
Sega's official street date for the PlatinumGames-developed action game Bayonetta isn't until January for North…
I haven't had to worry about a bad hair day in years. Bayonetta's however, can summon demons that will drag you down…
It's funny, these clips are a lot like the game: emphasising how old fashioned the whole thing is, then making you…
Bayonetta has been released in Japan, and with its game already out and receiving stellar reviews, developer…
Time cliches are one of the joys that movies, books and games get to savor when they market their use of time…