With all that hair-twirling, face-kicking and PVC-wearing, Bayonetta would be a perfect fit for a traditional…
The actual, offical Bayonetta figure is a little...off. Something's not quite right about her proportions. This…
Sega has picked Andrea Bonnaccorso from a field of nine hotties in the Bayonetta impersonation contest they ran in…
If you missed out on early access to Sega's Bayonetta demo your disappointment comes to a close next week, when…
Look, beheading's one thing. Getting kicked repeatedly in the ass by a woman in high heels, on the way to your own…
Australia has, sadly, been in the gaming news for all the wrong reasons these past few months. So, my fellow Aussie…
What do folks in the UK, France, Spain, and Australia have to look forward to should they spend a little bit more on…
Ever Wondered What the Bottom Of Russian Bayonetta's shoe looks like? BAM! Reader Sergey sent photos he took at…
No, it's not some preorder bonus. But quantities are limited. Sega's offering 40,000 codes to play the Bayonetta…
PlatinumGames and Sega's Bayonetta kicked her way to the top of the Japanese game charts, moving nearly 200,000…
We thought we would discuss Dragon Age and League of Legends among other things in the Kotaku podcast today. But you…
Sure, she's got long black hair and librarian glasses. But it wasn't always that way.
Unofficial day-one sales are in for Bayonetta and boy does Japan love its PlayStation 3s. Ninety-three thousand…
Kotaku columnist Tim Rogers brings word that store after store in Tokyo is selling out of the Xbox 360 version of…
You might want to hang onto those holiday video game gift cards a bit longer than normal, as Sega confirms the…
There have been numerous complaints about the body proportions for the character Bayonetta. Just look at her, some…
With the time difference, right now Bayonetta is out in Japan. You might not live in Japan. You might not know…
V, the Japanese gonzo adult video maker behind titles like Would You Like To Get An Enema Until You Poop? and I Saw…
Bayonetta blah blah blah kimono blah blah blah race queen outfit blah blah blah thong swimsuit blah blah blah and…