Unofficial day-one sales are in for Bayonetta and boy does Japan love its PlayStation 3s. Ninety-three thousand copies sold for Sony's home console compared to the 45,000 sold on Xbox 360.
But that's nothing new for the market. Compare Bayonetta's sales to these other games to see just how much day-one sales favor PS3 over 360 in Japan:
Devil May Cry 4
28,000 (17 percent of sales) on 360 / 140,000 (83 percent of sales) on PS3
Soul Calibur IV
35,000 (38 percent of sales) on 360 / 57,000 (62 percent of sales) on PS3
Street Fighter IV
28,000 (33 percent of sales) on 360 / 58,000 (67 percent of sales) on PS3
See the pattern? I know I do, and I'm bad at economics.
Rock on for not being the nail that sticks up, Bayonetta!
PS3・Xbox360「BAYONETTA」好調な滑り出し、映画「THIS IS IT」紹介、他 [Ameblo]