People left GDC 2010 raving about Sword & Sworcery for the iPhone and iPad, but the game's late 2010 release didn't…
Simple truth about the iPad 2: Maybe it won't make you feel the way it makes me feel. Maybe it won't replace your…

Infinity Blade, for the iPhone and iPad, has won strong praise as an uncommonly good mobile title with impressive…
The iPad 2 is here. And yeah, it's pretty great. Despite the early looks, we're still finding surprises. Like? The…
Nintendo's top people don't use the word Apple. They don't say iPhone or iTunes, not voluntarily, not if they can…
John Gruber of Daring Fireball, reviewing the iPad 2, had a developer friend write a quick testing suite for the…
There was a rumor last week that Apple was unhappy with Capcom over the way in-app purchases could be made in…
Apple is set to unveil its next-generation iPad on March 2, smack in the middle of next week's Game Developers…
Looks like Capcom might be in big trouble with Apple over the number of complaints the App Store has received over Sm…

No game on the iPad or iPhone captured my attention near as much as the touch-friendly versions of PopCap's…
In 2007, Apple unveiled the first iPhone. It featured a revolutionary "pinch" gesture, which found its way into…

Pro Zombie Soccer got a special iPad version - the "Apocalypse Edition" this past week; today we'll take a look at…

There's a theory going around that you or I or someone else who owns an iPhone will soon help Apple do what no…
Not a whole lot new to see here. Angry Birds continues its dominance, while some classics like Plants Vs. Zombies…

Who do we the people of the 21st century fear? In real life, it's the terrorists. In movies and TV, it's zombies.…
Put away your pens and paper, because the makers of the iPhone's most popular games don't want anyone else doodling.

Capcom Mobile has a little game out on the App Store called MaXplosion, where you run around a science lab blowing…

Porting a turn-based role-playing game to the iPhone is simple. Nailing the controls on a classic action RPG like…
For those of us who like to game on the iPhone, we just got a second choice for who to use as our cell phone…