Rolling-ball games, with their single control and simple purpose are another genre perfect for mobile platforms,…
A blatantly copied flash game currently offered on the iTunes App Store will likely be removed quickly if Apple's…

Trademark red cap and white gloves, big mustache and floating coins. There's no confusing this iPhone game: It's…

Let's say you make a video game that involves driving illegal immigrants across protected borders, a game that's…

It seems an age since the world first saw Halo. It was the 20th century. Back when it was introduced by...Steve…

The father of music games, PaRappa the Rapper creator Masaya Matsuura, is bringing his innovative rhythm game…
Dollar days appear to have just begun for EA Mobile's offerings on the iTunes App Store, where Dead Space, including…

This is a map of everywhere I've been for nearly the last year. Everywhere. I didn't carry around a special tracking…
As of March 2011, Apple has sold more than 108 million iPhones, 19 million iPads and 60 million iPod touch devices,…
Shortly after games began to flood the channels of Apple's iTunes I asked a developer friend of mine why the ESRB…
If you've missed World of Goo in one of its many iterations over the years, there's another chance to play the…
I think the moment where Anomaly Warzone Earth—I don't see a colon on the game's website; letting all three words of…
Atari just dropped a whirling, aliased asteroid in the iTunes App Store: Atari's Greatest Hits brings 100 classic…

The 30-year-old Evil Dead series is coming to the iPhone and iPad as an "action-heavy 3D shooter" in the coming…
It's the one iOS craze I've managed to avoid, so I must trust what I'm told about Doodle Jump: that it's fun. And…

My nephew's favorite iPhone game will be pulled from iTunes later this week because the people who released the game…

When you're a high school student, sometimes your work ends up on the fridge at home. Other times, it ends up on…
From time to time we like to publish a post from our ceiling-walking neighbors down under. Today Kotaku Australia…
Retro PC game players are surely familiar with Dosbox, the top-shelf emulator that makes playing games from the ‘80s…
Sharpening a divide between the version of the games industry they like and the version in which they don't want to…