Kyoto Animation has delayed its next film Violet Evergarden: The Movie because the film is still being finished. The movie was originally slated for January 10, 2020, and the new release date will be announced at a later date. Kyoto Animation’s most recent film Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memories Doll rec

Kyoto Animation is listing all the victims of the July fire in the end credits of Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jido Shuki Ningyo. This is the first film it has released since the arson attack that left 35 employees dead. The film was finished on July 17, which is the day before the attack. 

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The latest Pokémon TV anime is called Pocket Monster. The show’s title font resembles the font from the original 1997 show. As with the recent movies, this Pokémon TV anime looks like a reboot of sorts. 

Weathering With You has been submitted for the Academy Awards’ International Feature Film Awards. This was the first anime Japan has submitted for an Oscar since Princess Mononoke in 1988. In case you missed it, read the Kotaku review.  

Weathering With You is this year’s biggest money-making film in Japan. During the picture’s first 34 days, Makoto Shinkai’s anime raked in over 10 billion yen ($94.59 million). The last Japanese movie to make 10 billion yen was Shinkai’s previous work Your Name. Read Kotaku’s Weathering With You review right here.

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In the name of the moon, Uniqlo has revealed some new Sailor Moon shirts, featuring Naoko Takeuchi’s classic art. They will be out next week. 
