Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze made the jump from WiiU to Switch this week, and it’s got me thinking about games that…
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze made the jump from WiiU to Switch this week, and it’s got me thinking about games that…
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you…
A skip that could save up to twenty minutes in the Super Mario Odyssey speedrun has finally been proven to exist. It…
In the first game of today’s PUBG Showdown North American qualifiers for Dreamhack Austin, a player solved a tense…
Celeste seems almost built for speedrunners. With its tight controls and constant dashing, it demands that you play…
In the spirit of something red and redemptive, all of our favorite characters went West in last week’s ‘Shop…
I hope you like zombies, because there’s a lot of opportunities for attacking zombies in the next week. On the road,…
The Seattle Mariners announced their lineup for a game yesterday using the respectable pixelated mode of Ken Griffey…
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin is the lesser-loved of the games in the Dark Souls lineage, but that didn’t…
In honor of the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer from earlier this week, I think it’s high time we take the ‘Shop…
Hello! It’s time for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics. The images enlarge if you…
God of War is an interesting, complicated game that’s drawn a lot of attention over the past couple weeks. I didn’t…
Frostpunk is an oppressive game where the world has been covered by snow and humans have to rely on ingenuity and…
Battlefield 1's developers are giving away its They Shall Not Pass expansion, originally released back in March of…
All of the video game characters have taken a hint from Kratos and learned a little bit about growing the heck up,…
Giant robots and snow-covered landscapes are great science fiction, and we’re getting both of those in this week’s…
The Battlefield 1 developers announced this week that they will be adding a mode called Shock Operations to the game in June. Focused on a single map instead of several, Shock Operations will offer the same attack and defense gameplay without the longer time commitment of a full Operation. Read more
This week’s PUBG event, Metal Rain, has been an excuse to summon armored vehicles from the sky. But it was also my…
Mr. Friendly is a new mod for Doom that asks you to talk to the monsters instead of killing them, fish for fun, and…
The release of God of War has opened up the possibility that the icons of gaming can grow up to take responsibility…