The Philadelphia Eagles beat the New York Giants on Sunday with a play that just should not have happened. It…
Tecmo Bowl Throwback disappointed multiplayer enthusiasts when it appeared that ragequitting didn't count in…
Today, a sports title without real players and teams has a hard pitch to make. If any franchise can close the deal,…
Classic football game Tecmo Super Bowl was first released on the NES in 1991. It had real players, who you probably…
Tecmo Bowl Throwback players may have noticed you can ragequit a 38-0 beating scot-free, no forfeit, no loss, no…
One of the most appealing things about Tecmo Bowl Throwback, which released yesterday, is the ability to switch…
Tecmo's reboot of the console classic Tecmo Bowl arrives on Xbox Live on April 28 for 800 Microsoft Points, but…
If Tecmo Bowl Throwback actually plays like its 1991 cousin, with similar players, then in addition to destroying…
This interview with the producer of the upcoming Tecmo Bowl Throwback delivers tons of gameplay video and tells us…
There have been rumors that Tecmo is bringing Tecmo Bowl to the PSN and Xbox LIVE Arcade with Tecmo Bowl Throwback.…
Operation Sports' Mr. NFL provides this recreation of the clinching play in Super Bowl XLIV - Tracy Porter's…
Maybe the NHL names every award for someone, but the NFL gives blandly titled honors. Pigskin Doctors concocted…
New ESRB ratings indicate that Tecmo is planning to inject some life into the incredibly dull Wii Virtual Console…
As any sports gamer - or anyone who's seen Swingers - can tell you, Jeremy Roenick in NHL '94 was the definition of…
This week's Nintendo Download is dedicated to those of you who felt that the poker games already available for the…
Wii trends have turned a planned Tecmo Bowl Wii into a family football game, according to G4.
No Bo in the new Tecmo Bowl? It's so. Best way to deal with it is to get over it, and move on with your lives.…