Super Mario Galaxy has a rather impressive orchestral soundtrack. Composer, violinist, and cosplayer Diwa de Leon…
This fall marks the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. After appearing in 1981's Donkey Kong and 1983's Mario…
Someone's uploading tracks from the Super Mario Galaxy 2 soundtrack to YouTube, under the name of Mahito Yokota,…
You could say that video game music is becoming much more epic as the years go by.
You don't want me to try to describe the surreal galaxies of the first three worlds of Super Mario Galaxy 2, so how…
A faithful companion. A star in the making. Adoration, rejection, and finally, a triumphant return.
Put down our April Fool's Survival Guide and get to YouTube. Pronto!
Screw focus groups. Or corporate brainstorming. Shigeru Miyamoto gets many of his game ideas from real life.
The average amount of time a person plays New Super Mario Bros. is climbing quickly and could catch Super Mario…
I'm not sure if this is sad or impressive - probably a bit of both - but New Super Mario Bros. Wii has, in a little…
Duludubi Star is a Chinese PC game and looks familiar. Very, very familiar. Maybe even, too familiar. Watch gameplay …
Our latest podcast is ready for you to download. Details below. Listen and hear a caller provides the possibly…
Fumito Ueda is an armchair critic. "I play a lot of games," he says, "and I look from a very critical view of the…
After a year off in 2008 to sort themselves out, the British Academy Video Games Awards are back. With proceedings…
There are game cakes, and then there are Game Cakes, the ones that require capital letters, applause, and perhaps a…
This was a gimme for Nintendo. After all, Bee Mario was the most adorable thing that fat plumber's done in years,…
Speaking as part of a long, long interview with CVG, Rare design head Gregg Mayles talks in-depth about the freshly-a…