Click to view Spore's digital rights management and copy protection has gotten a lot of people up in arms. The…
To many PC gamers, Spore's most gruesome creation has been its digital rights management and copy protection…
We know that Amazon users do not take kindly to Spore's DRM measures. Seems Spore users don't either. GameCulture…
And the Spore/DRM issues just. Get. Worse. Despite the game's manual shipping with the promise that you can set up…
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a Streisand Effect, but in the case of Spore, the stimulus and the response are…
Despite receiving generally favorable reviews from game critics everywhere, the Amazon shopping populace didn't take…
In the beginning Will Wright created the idea, but not the name. Now the game was formless and empty, darkness was…
Well, maybe we won't have to change the filters on our office Bullshit-o-meter after all. As we kinda-sorta-maybe…
Game industry legend Will Wright is no stranger to creating life, but Spore marks his first attempt to create it…
Will Wright is such a deep thinker that he doesn't have favorite games, he has favorite franchises. MSNBC recently…
Sooo.. The Kotaku bullshit alarm has been flashing a code amber since we got a tip about, but.. well,…
Spore owes a debt to the research carried out by scientists at the SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence)…
Spore isn't the most resource intensive game around, but it still needs a fairly beefy system. You would expect,…
Despite some early, Germanic hiccups, Spore seems to be going down quite well with both the reviewing and buying…
Spore! It's out. You might be playing it (right now, even), you might not. Yes, this Week In Games is late (sorry).…
The build-up for this title has been immense — and the reviews are rolling in. There were those first Spore reviews,…
Reader Denis F. sent us a heads up about an interesting chat between Will Wright and Jill Tarter, noted…
Go tiny or go home. That's the Spore marketing philosophy apparently, as the folks from EA have installed what is…
It's the Yin and the Yang. The black and the white, the good and the bad. So it is with all things in life, and so…
Click to view My feature on Spore ran in the Rocky Mountain News today. The Maxis folks were very helpful, talking…