Two people filed suit in federal court against Electronic Arts back in October, alleging the SecuROM digital rights…
It may not be as mindblowingly impressive as the amazing StarCraft recreation done in Spore, and the shine of Spore…
Time magazine, masters of the high-brow "top XX" list, are back this week with their take on the top 50 inventions…
An article in Science magazine discussing why Spore flunks various kinds of science after close scrutiny by a…
Harry Connick, Jr. — musician, actor, humanitarian, and now Spore enthusiast — appeared on "Late Night With Conan…
Will Wright attended the Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards ceremony at the Hearst Tower in New York City last…
Science & Technology journal Popular Mechanics is hosting its annual Breakthrough Awards this evening and will be…
EA has announced two new expansions on the way for their blockbuster life-creation game Spore, and while things…
Listings have turned up on both GameStop and Amazon's store pages for a Spore expansion. Sorry, "expansion". Called S…
Chris Remo, in an op-ed on Penny Arcade, takes on the righteous indignation heaped on publishers — notably EA — over…
Click to viewThe great thing about Spore is all the stuff we can make. No, make that, the great thing about Spore is…
After just two weeks and change on the market, EA and Maxis' Spore has sold through over a million copies. The…
When Spore owners were silenced by forum moderation staff for posting one too many SecuROM/DRM complaints on the…
On it's surface LittleBigPlanet is a very unique game, a highly-stylized title packed with evocative smiley-faced…
Whenever you find large numbers of unhappy people, you're bound to find a lawyer. In this case it's Alan Himmelfarb…
Last week Penny Arcade's own Tycho contacted me to see if I would be interested in writing a short piece for their…
Following the locking of a thread on the official Spore forums, one questioning the moderation policies regarding…
Sure, Fruitfucker should be right up there for words that probably shouldn't be allowed in the Sporepedia and I…
Electronic Arts have sent us a statement regarding their roundly-criticized Spore DRM policy. In it, EA Games Label…
And EA's DRM back-tracking continues! First it was the number of times you could install Spore, now they've…