This weekend, I finished grading final exams, toted up final grades, went out to celebrate. And, as of this post, I…
This weekend, I finished grading final exams, toted up final grades, went out to celebrate. And, as of this post, I…
The topic for this month's Blogs of the Roundtable has led to some fantastically diverse answers: "What role will…
There's a really nice (lengthy) article over at Adventure Classic Gaming that takes a look at puzzles in (as you…
Gamasutra's been rounding up the top titles of the year in a variety of categories; up recently were the top five…
The Majesty of Colors is weird, lovely little game by Gregory Weir that's been making the rounds as of late. There…
Gamasutra's Paul Hyman has a gloom and doom look at the used games market and why publishers are very unhappy with…
When I saw this comparison between the Final Fantasy and the battleship Yamato (the largest battleship ever made),…
L.B. Jeffries over at Banana Pepper Martinis has apparently had it up to here with the 'how to write reviews'…
Played Minotaur China Shop yet? No? Missed the trailer we posted? Well, go look at that, then read the brilliantly…
Chris Bateman (of Only a Game) has a thought provoking article on his new, games only blog on whether or not a game…
There's a nice interview up at Worlds In Motion with Klei Entertainment (Eets) founder Jamie Cheng on the issue of…
Another weekend, another call for papers! This time around it's the Games+Learning+Society 5.0 conference, June…
I sometimes feel like discussions on game piracy ought to be shelved alongside scintillating 1960s publications…
We mentioned Pascal Luben's series on the 'megatrends of gaming' back when it kicked off with part one; since then,…
Michael Abbott of the Brainy Gamer has a post up on the issue of dissonance in games; like a lot of these things,…
We mentioned the somewhat odd BusinessWeek Arcade back when it launched; now Ian Bogost has taken up the whys and…
The blog Hardcasual is back with a bang after a lengthy hiatus, channeling the voice of Cliff Bleszinski of Epic…
GameSetWatch has a nice essay up from Gregory Weir, who takes a look at why Puzzle Quest was so damn successful at…
If you've got some time this afternoon, the Escapist has a nice answer to holiday excess — several pages of free…
Can you ever get enough Rock, Paper, Shotgun? The answer is no, especially not during the holidays — last year saw…