Played Minotaur China Shop yet? No? Missed the trailer we posted? Well, go look at that, then read the brilliantly funny Minotaur Diary at RPS, then try and resist the lure of the game.
In slightly more serious news, the Rock, Paper, Shotgun guys also sat down to talk with Flashbang's Steve Swink about a variety of issues, including how games such as MCS, Off-Road Velociraptor Safari and Jetpack Brontosaurus come into being:
RPS: Which comes first - the name for the game, or the idea behind it? It’s really tempting to believe that someone said, “Jetpack Brontosaurus”, and someone else said, “Okay!”
SS: That’s very nearly how it went down! Jetpack Brontosaurus came from a single whiteboard sketch by our art director, Ben Ruiz. He was doodling one day on one of our ubiquitous wall-mounted whiteboards. What started as a humble Brontosaurus quickly grew to include turbines and safety helmet. It hung there for weeks as we finished up Raptor Safari, jet-setting its way into our collective hearts and subconscious. When the question was asked “so, chaps, what next?” all eyes turned immediately to Messeurs Jetpack and Brontosaurus upon the wall. It was a toss-up between Jetpack Brontosaurus and Stegosaurus Swiftboat. No contest.
It's all worth a look on an overcast Saturday, that's for sure.
Minotaur China Shop Is Live, We Talk To Flashbang & Minotaur Diary, Page 17 [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]