It's been one hell of a week for Chinese company NetDragon, who announced (along with EA) the development of a Du…
It's been one hell of a week for Chinese company NetDragon, who announced (along with EA) the development of a Du…
There's a wonderful interview at Gamasutra with Hiroyuki Kotani, creator of Patapon — a game that I still adore,…
Last week, we mentioned Keith Stuart's meditation on whether or not reviewers really get innovation; since then,…
Along with 'legitimate' means of preservation, there's the whole specter of abandonware, which Les Chapelle takes a…
Ian Bogost and his students have a new project underway looking at the intersection of journalism and games; their n…
A few weeks ago, designer Brice Morrison talked about how a game designer outgrew games; since kicking off a flurry…
A couple of Kotakuites have written to underline what I'd already noticed — the lists of the 2009 Independent Games…
Gamasutra has a fabulous postmortem up — easily one of the best I've read — on Tale of Tales' The Graveyard.
Yet another nice piece from the Guardian; Keith Stuart takes up the issue of innovation and whether or not…
Game journalism is a pretty maligned corner of the journalism world as a whole — sometimes for good reason, but as…
There's a really fun interview up at Gamasutra with Keiichi Yano, chief creative officer of iNiS (the Ouendan…
GameSetWatch and Gamasutra have reprinted a really interesting article from Game Developer, where Soren Johnson of…
David Nieborg has a thoughtful essay up over at Valuable Games on the subject of Fable 2 and its moral system — and…
Tom Endo has a nice essay up over the Escapist on the issue of finishing games (or not finishing games, as the case…
The Montreal International Game Summit recently wrapped up, and keynote speaker David Braben of Frontier…
I've mentioned my love for the delightful How They Got Game, which catalogues some of the neat holdings of the…
Jason Rohrer (of Passage, Gravitation, and others) has put together a very different experience in his latest, Betwe…
Despite declining stock value, Giant Interactive — the company behind the intriguing MMO Zhengtu Online, which is a…
I spoke to Professor Jim Whitehead of UC Santa Cruz yesterday, and at the end of our conversation he brought up the…
Ah, unrequited love — a classic theme in all sorts of media, and gaming is no exception. There's a wonderful little…