Jane Pinckard of game girl advance has come up with four future trends of entertainment, and they all apply to…
Jane Pinckard of game girl advance has come up with four future trends of entertainment, and they all apply to…
I'm an archive junkie — I consider it a side-effect of my profession, since we spend half our lives in…
From SKT comes a bizarrely addictive little game called Robo-Evolution. It's very short, but there's a certain je…
Gamasutra's Christian Nutt sat down with Insomniac CEO Ted Price at their recent community event; the discussion…
Well, it's obvious than fandoms aren't all fun and games, but Peter Parrish warns that fanaticism could be…
L.B. Jeffries has a nice essay up on the idea of 'games as languages' — a combination of coercing players to take…
Jim Reilly forwarded news of the UConn interdisciplinary and interinstitutional initiative called The Video Games…
There's another great post at Vorpal Bunny Ranch, this one looking at the issue of female game protagonists and…
Recently, some controversy has popped up regarding who owns the IP of student-created work; recent events with the…
A couple of big Korean companies have floundered as of late — or at least, some of their games have been big…
While I'm a fan of the fresh and innovative, I'm more likely — depending on time and monetary constraints — to run…
Dave Perry, founder of Shiny Entertainment, sat down with Valve's Gabe Newell to talk about how to shoehorn your…
The irRegular Game of Life is a weird but fun little game (by irRegular Games) based on mathematician John Horton…
Gamasutra has an interesting — if dry — analysis of a variety of sales figures from Nintendo's investor…
Well, militaries across the world may soon have a new war game to their arsenal, and it could have a trickle down…
In an interesting opinion piece over at GameSetWatch, designer Brice Morrison expounds on why it is that he…
Gene Hoffman, CEO of Vindicia (a billing and fraud protection company), has some words of wisdom regarding the…
The transnational character of gaming is one that opens up a wide range of opportunities for the industry, but…
Totally out of my academic purview, but it's a really neat sounding conference: The research group Ludiciné…
Gamasutra's Chris Remo has a nice interview up with Mirror's Edge producer Nick Cannon on the design ethos and…