In 2014, South Korean TV drama Everbody Kimchi featured one epic kimchi slap. It was not an isolated incident.…
This is Pepsi J-Cola. According to website NariNari, it is aimed at Japan’s cola-loving “heavy users.”
Are you hungry? Watch this food supercut and you will be.
Forget the Pokémon style mascots. The one the Tokyo Olympics needs and wants is a pistol-slinging, fencing…
Potato chips featuring the images of popular Japanese YouTubers, such as Hikakin (pictured), are going on sale later…
Why just look at the food in Monster Hunter when you can make it in real life? Just look at how the real deal…
A couple new Taco Bells have recently opened in China, and boy does this one look nice.
In an effort to make one of the world’s oldest, most boring breakfast cereals slightly more palatable, General Mills…
Going to the toilet at Ichiran Ramen, means more than high-tech washlets. It means all the toilet paper you could…
In 2017, Snacktaku pledged it would no longer be a slave to Nabisco’s relentless barrage of novelty Oreo flavors.…
If we had known how 2017 was going to turn out, there would have only been one article this year—Our Emotions: The…
This is Yuka Kinoshita. And today, we are going watch her eat so much fucking food.
The most exciting thing about new Super Mario Cereal is the box. That’s just sad.
Time to start bringing your Switch to the grocery store. Snacktaku has confirmed that the Amiibo included on boxes of Super Mario Cereal can be scanned without opening the box, which means coins and hearts for Super Mario Odyssey will be available in the cereal aisle starting December 11.
Japanese conveniences are already great, but they’re getting greater. Family Mart is opening a string of fitness…
Nintendo’s back in the game cereal game. Rumored for days and now confirmed, Super Mario Cereal becomes part of…
How about a nice bottle of soda pup? This internet meme shows how dogs can look like carbonated beverages.
In its latest attempt to replace all foods with processed potato product, Pringles takes on Thanksgiving dinner with…
Kirby is cute. Buns are cute. It’s only natural that Kirby buns would be very, very cute.
Lotteria, the most ridiculous fast food chain in Japan, is releasing a striking steak burger later this month.