If you are steeped in SNK fighting game lore, then you are more than familiar with Terry Bogard. If you’ve never…
Tesla cars have an “Autopilot” feature where the car can, on a long straight drive like a highway, take care of some…
This week, America celebrates declaring its independence from England with hot dogs, fireworks, and, apparently, tank…
Chilean Smash Bros. pro, streamer, and modder Felipe “Nyx” Montero recently showed off the latest additions to his…
Nintendo’s penultimate E3 announcement today involved the addition of a Microsoft-owned character to Smash Bros.…
The highly anticipated Joker from Persona 5 has finally been added to the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a…
The latest update for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate had a bumpy rollout, with it hard for players unable to download…
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s 3.0 update will be out on Wednesday and will add a lot to the game, even if you aren’t…
Charizard may be the final evolution of one of the strongest Pokemon starters of all time, but in Super Smash Bros.…
Hundreds of PAX East attendees crowded around a small stage in the expo hall last Saturday afternoon to see if Seth,…
Nintendo brought Sandbag along to PAX East so Smasher players could pay homage to him. When asked about the unorthodox rule set Nintendo had selected for its PAX East Smash Ultimate tournament he declined to comment.
The finals for the Smash Ultimate North America Open kick off at 1 p.m. ET, live at PAX East in Boston and streaming…
Donkey Kong is stronger than ever in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but there are still two big glitches holding the…
This is Masahiro Sakurai. He makes Smash Bros. games. At this point in his career, he could probably take things…
With a new Smash Bros. game out, the biggest Smash Bros. game of all time, it should come as no surprise that Nick…
“Yoshi’s Story” is an extremely small Super Smash Bros. stage that first appeared in Smash Bros. Melee. Now it’s in S…
Sometimes gaming enthusiasts are so preoccupied with whether or not they can, they never stop to think if they…
Today on Highlight Reel we have mysterious boat disappearances, Kingdom Hearts III goofs, Ace Combat 7 clips, and…
We already suspected that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s roster was pretty evenly matched, and now we’ve got data from…