How can anyone not like Kirby? For this week’s episode of Kotaku Splitscreen, I got my two cohosts to try out Kirby:…
You know what’s still good? Dragon’s Dogma. On this week’s episode of Splitscreen, Kotaku video producer Paul Tamayo came on as a guest and tried to convince Kirk and I to finally check out this gem of a game. Get the MP3 here.
This week on Kotaku Splitscreen, Kirk Hamilton and I brought on Kotaku staff writer Ethan Gach to talk about the…
What’s the hardest challenge you’ve beaten in a game? On this week’s Kotaku Splitscreen, we talk about tough fights we’ve had in Sekiro, Gears 5, and Hollow Knight, and invite listeners to tell us theirs via Get the MP3 here.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses will get some new story content in its upcoming DLC release on February 12th, 2020. In the “Cindered Shadows” side story, players will meet students from a hidden fourth house, the Ashen Wolves.
If “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” from The Witcher Netflix TV show is still stuck in your head, then check out this remix of the song by Kyle Reclaim, which is better than it has any right to be.
J-pop legends Sheena Ringo and Hikaru Utada have collaborated once again on a new song that 1. is awesome, and 2. has a music video featuring a futuristic tabletop version of Tetris. I wish it were real so I could play it with Paul Tamayo (who would destroy me).
All three of us on Kotaku Splitscreen have begun to play Death Stranding, but only one of us did so with a newborn…
On this week’s Kotaku Splitscreen, staff editor Natalie Degraffinried comes on to discuss the best and worst exercise games with me and Kirk, from Ring Fit Adventure (fun!) to Wii Fit (ehh) to Dance Dance Revolution (classic). Get the MP3 here.