Maddy Myers's discussions

Maddy Myers
Deputy Editor, Kotaku.

Ari does indeed specialize in gaming tips and advice. But he’s not a “plant,” he’s a Kotaku editorial staffer just like the rest of us, in the union and everything. Please be respectful of him! Read more

I’ve wanted Metroid to get one of these for a few years now, if only to help right the ship on some of the tonal inconsistencies and increasingly crowded timeline of the series thus far. But instead we’re getting Metroid Prime 4, which I never expected (and will hopefully enjoy). I also kinda got my wish with the Metro Read more

I got my first death threats for writing about video games in 2010, a few years before Gamergate. So, I found that type of response to be a stressful and difficult aspect of the job from early on. It’s also something that happens to journalists in other fields as well. But that doesn’t mean the job isn’t also Read more

I’m impressed that you mentally retconned that event into having been an SFIV tournament. Really speaks to how unpopular SFV is! Or how “hammered” you were? Anyway, maybe if we’d picked SFIV, Compete would have survived. Read more

Golden Girls. Flashy action-adventure in the style of Devil May Cry except your weapon is devastating quips. You play as Dorothy, obviously. Read more

A look at that Lego/Forza car on stage:

Some of the stage pyrotechnics from before this cinematic trailer started up... dang!

Oh, also, I’m Maddy, with some occasional stage-side updates from the venue!

I really wanted to play Poker Night 2, but unfortunately, the licensing deals for the characters in the game have lapsed, so it’s no longer available for sale. I’m missing out on all those killer Portal, Venture Bros. and Borderlands references that 2013-era me would have absolutely adored. Rough! Read more

I think it’s the Other M figma figure? That’s what her shoulder pauldrons look like in Other M, at any rate. The only posable Samus that I own is much less fancy, but at least she’s wearing her armor from Prime:

The Nintendo Treehouse is about to launch into some gameplay of Ridley, so, that’s it, that’s my whole day. That’s my whole year. This has been a very fun Nintendo experience. Thanks for live-blogging along with me losing my mind, Chris. Read more