QUOTE | "Our goal is keeping gaming a safe space for everyone to enjoy." - Andrew Rasmussen, co-founder of…
QUOTE | “It's kind of a passive attitude they're taking, and to me it's kind of a pathetic thing.” - Legendary…
QUOTE | “We're very close to having the first VR death.” - Denny Unger, creative director at Cloudhead Games,…
Justin Timberlake recently called Madonna a "mother chucking ninja." Some people in the U.S. were upset, saying…
QUOTE | "All that [Xbox vs. PS4] feeding frenzy last year was interesting, but I think, and I hope, that it has run…
In an almost "weird that it didn't happen sooner" kind of way, Chinese state media reports that two Chinese…
QUOTE | "Everyone loves their baby, right? And you often have to tell them it's kind of an ugly baby." - Execution…
On August 4, one of Japan's largest newspapers, the Asahi Shimbun, published a story on eating bat meat. You know…
QUOTE | "There are a lot of ways you can mess up VR really easily." - nDreams' Patrick O'Luanaigh, talking about his…
QUOTE | "The PC is decimating console, just through price. Free-to-play has killed a hundred AAA studios." - Veteran…
QUOTE | "You could market research any product to death if you're not careful." - DICE GM Karl Magnus Troedsson,…
A recent study by the Chinese Ministry of Education has found that the majority of China's college student…
"It's like watching paint dry." What's that like, exactly? Thanks to our team of crack image manipulators rising to…
QUOTE | "It will start to tail off because the people who play the games will recognize when they're about to be…
QUOTE | "The majority of what the other developers exhibited was bloody shooter software...I believe this is a…
QUOTE | "I was so fed up of people telling us we should do free-to-fucking-play, in-app-fucking purchases, whatever…
QUOTE | "I think we are right at that tipping point where we have a lot of great content that is about to be…
This week, it was announced that Japan finally outlawed child pornography. The ban does not cover 2D sexualized…
Some 31% of people who have bought a PlayStation 4 had an Xbox 360 or Wii but not a PS3 in the last hardware…