QUOTE | “It doesn’t matter what it will cost. If it costs too much this week it will cost the right amount a year…
QUOTE | “It doesn’t matter what it will cost. If it costs too much this week it will cost the right amount a year…
QUOTE | “Some of those sharp edges are sometimes the very thing that makes the game compelling. Games aren’t really…
QUOTE | “We weren’t expecting this many people would buy a PlayStation 4.” - Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida, head of…
QUOTE | “Just as the line between gamer and non-gamer has been destroyed, I think the distinction between console…
QUOTE | “I think one of the things that we won’t be looking to do very soon is World of Dancing Unicorns.” -…
QUOTE | “I think some of that was predictable and preventable. If I’m just honest I would say that.” - Former Xbox…
QUOTE | “If you’re a gamer and you have high end graphics cards – I don’t want to stereotype – but you’re probably…
QUOTE | “They were sparring, with a little braggadocio, a little machismo, in a very immature way. Our employee said…
QUOTE | “I believe that it is very difficult to immediately build up a big IP.... you need at least three games…
QUOTE | “There is always the person who’s got to stand on the sand castle, they must crush it. That’s their way of…
QUOTE | “We can’t just be a company that’s only about gigantic big things.” - EA’s Patrick Soderlund, EVP of EA…
QUOTE | “Now the reality settles in. We have to deliver, we have extra pressure, and the team has too, but it’s a…
QUOTE | “There is no doubt in my mind that Bethesda is the clear ‘winner’ of this E3.” - ICO CEO Thomas Bidaux,…
QUOTE | “It’s not worth paying for Paris Hilton.” - EA Mobile’s general manager Bill Mooney, explaining why not all…
QUOTE | “At that point, we’re asking people to part with their money, and they should not be getting a broken…
QUOTE | “You look at the relatively thin field at the top and we’ve sort of died and gone to heaven in terms of the…
QUOTE | “I think the old publishing model has died, where it’s just a bunch of suits and they’re doing marketing.…
STAT | $3.7 million – Amount of revenue Mixi’s mobile game Monster Strike made per day last quarter, according to…
QUOTE | “Getting people sick isn’t a choice.” - Valve’s Chet Faliszek, talking about how the future of VR depends on…
QUOTE | “I suspect that Apple would be ecstatic if 90 percent of game developers disappeared overnight. See also:…