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This Week In The Business: Casually Pathetic

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QUOTE | “It's kind of a passive attitude they're taking, and to me it's kind of a pathetic thing.” - Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto explaining why Nintendo isn't going to try to make games specifically for a casual audience like they used to on the Wii.

Elsewhere in the business of video games this past week ...

QUOTE | “Consoles seem extremely rigid and limited in terms of what you can actually do as a developer.” - Former Rovio games division head and Remedy co-founder Petri Jarvilaehto talking about why he thinks mobile, not console, is “the most exciting area to work in games right now.”

QUOTE | "The biggest new platform people are going to be talking about this Christmas, and probably next Christmas is Smart TVs.” - Former EA CEO John Riccitiello talking about industry trends on mobile, console and more as part of a whitepaper from Game Monetization USA.


STAT | 31 percent – The percentage of PlayStation 4 owners who previously owned either an Xbox 360 or a Wii, but not a PS3, indicating that Sony has been grabbing players from Microsoft and Nintendo says Nielsen.


QUOTE | “We help complete a puzzle that already had plenty of pieces in place." - Matthew DiPietro, VP of Marketing for Twitch, discussing why his company fits perfectly with its new owners at Amazon.


QUOTE | “I don't think a controller is going to be the answer for VR - at least, not the kind that people are traditionally using.” - Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey discussing the future of his company under Facebook and what needs to happen to improve virtual reality.

QUOTE | “We call on the entire game community to stand together against this abhorrent behavior." - The International Game Developers Association's board commenting on the recent string of attacks on people in the industry like Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian.


STAT | $1 billion – The amount of revenue publisher EA is expecting to bring in just from the sale of DLC this year alone; it's EA's goal to become 100% digital for the long-term.

STAT | $13.3 billion – The total for worldwide tablet gaming sales by 2019, according to the firm Juniper Research; the figure would represent a threefold increase over 2014's expected $3.6 billion.


QUOTE | "We definitely very consciously thought about the players of World Of Warcraft as Hearthstone was being designed.” - Jason Chayes, production director for Blizzard's Hearthstone, talking about the studio's approach to free-to-play and how it carefully designed the tablet game.