We didn't get around to this last night, but it's still the weekend, and it's still a good time to gab about how…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
This E3, I gathered with friends and former colleagues around a high top at Hooters, swapping small talk and tales…
Japanese police recently arrested a 40 year-old illustrator for distributing "obscene material".
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
Early this past March in China's Gushi County, 14 year-old Xiao Qiang told seven year-old Xiao Hua she could play…
According to a population study done by Nanjing Normal University and published by Tencent, over 33% of Chinese…
Children ages three and under should not be allowed near touch screen devices such as tablet computers and…

Editor's Note: The mysterious figure known as Superannuation is back with more fistfuls of gaming gossip. What has…
A sixth grader from Osaka is in protective juvenille custody after accessing an online game site with somebody…
Police in Xianning County have found culprit responsible for stealing more than 20,000 RMB or approximately $3141 US…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
Editor's Note: Superannuation knows things, including how to use the Internet and put two and two together.…
When you think of South Korean gaming, you think of PC bang (net cafes) and people playing online games.
What do adultery, wasting money, not doing housework, and video games have in common? All are grounds for a divorce…

I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
Last week, a 50-something Chinese man got on his knees in Baishan City in Jilin Province, China. He begged a judge…
Some things are fun in a group. Some things are fun alone. And something things are just unpleasant without the…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
Are commercial breaks something gamers in the future will have to deal with? According to a newly surfaced patent,…