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Is Gaming Grounds For A Divorce? Japanese Survey Says, "Yes!"

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What do adultery, wasting money, not doing housework, and video games have in common? All are grounds for a divorce in the eyes of Japanese women.

According to a recent online survey of 721 Japanese women by goo Ranking, "playing video games all day" came in as the fourth most cited reason for splitting up with your husband.

The women polled range in age from their teens to sixty or more, with most respondents being in their thirties and forties—giving the survey a good cross section of wives in Japan.


While the top three reasons for getting a divorce were adultery, spending too much money, and having a bad drinking habit, "playing video games all day" beat out such interesting possibilities as "differing approaches to cleanliness" and "him getting along too well with his parents."


But playing video games is not the only Kotaku-relevant reason to break the top ten—"surfing the internet all day" comes in at number six. In other words, if you're male and reading this, your chances of having (and keeping) a Japanese wife are dropping as we speak.


Head on over to 世論 What Japan Thinks to see the full results of the survey in English.

夫に別れを切り出したくなるときランキング [gooランキング]

(Top photo: takayuki | Shutterstock)