Having been promised for an age, id Software finally made good last week on a pledge to release a modding tool kit…
Bethesda announces new content coming for Rage (Yes, Rage) in The Scorchers DLC pack, out next Tuesday.
id's RAGE may have its fans—and I'm one of them—but even they'd admit it never really hit the heights it could, or…
Well, not just for you. Fans of Wasteland, RAGE, Borderlands or any other game set in a post-apocalyptic desert are…
Flipping tables. It's about as perfect a rage moment as you can get. And now, in WoW's upcoming Mists of Pandaria…
An "undisclosed number" of staff at Doom and RAGE developers id Software have been let go. [Gamasutra]
Rage, id Software's beloved and detested blending of post-apocalyptic combat racing and first-person shooter,…
Here, in this Rage clip, wonky A.I. leads to deadly child's play. Peekaboo? More like peekabang.
Today's Fine Art features two men who worked on RAGE, id's recently-released desert shooter. One helped design (and…
Rage's Wasteland is a mean bitch. There are essentials you are going to need to survive, like TV remote controls,…
It's been a big month for PC games, and things are about to get even bigger, so if you've been lazy and forgotten to…
A source claiming to be close to the publishers of the recently-launched Rage has told Kotaku that, at a recent…
You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, Gamasutra's Brandon Sheffield ran an interview with id Software's CEO…
There appears to be a number of ways to drop yourself beneath the skin of Rage. This one, by hidden rebel…
It doesn't really hit me until about half way through the game. I've been spending so much time worrying over the…
They invented the term, so why isn't deathmatch available in Rage?
Among amateur rocket-launching circles, there's a bounty called "The Carmack Prize". It's named for id boss, Doom…
The PC launch of id's anticipated shooter RAGE has been, well, a "Cluster!@#$". And that's in the developer's words.…
Appropriately enough, the season four finale of Breaking Bad is on AMC tomorrow night. You may recall that, in…
The idea from the start was a game that blurred the lines between how games looked on console and PC.