The PC version of Rage will soon have a bevy of new ways for gamers to tweak the way the game behaves and looks on…
The computer version of Rage hasn't exactly been trouble free for some folks trying to play id Software's latest…
The post-apocalyptic world of Rage was created by an asteroid impact in the year 2029. You'd have to assume the…
When Nvidia was in the Kotaku offices the other day showing off, well, something we can't quite talk about yet,…
There are plenty of Doom coffee mugs laying around in the world of Rage. But that's not the little bit of Doom I'm…
According to a surprised Kmart Gamer, the avatar of all things gaming and Kmart related, the PlayStation 3 version…
I'm still chugging my way through Rage, but so far I've grown quite attached to a game that feels like it comes…
Earlier today we posted our walk-through video showing how you to find a little bit of Wolfenstein 3D inside id…
I heard yesterday that games journalist Brandon Sheffield gave a tough interview to some of the guys who made Rage,…
Is your PC version of Rage crashing to the desktop? Do you have an ATI graphics card? Bethesda's Pete Hines tweets…
Everybody kind of remembers Wolfenstein 3D, I personally remember it as that game I secretly played while my…
While I haven't had any issues running id Software's Rage on my high-end computer, it seems that there are a…
Yes, I'm remixing lines from Dylan Thomas' "Do not go gentle into that good night", but only because game…
It's not every day you get to play a new id game. If you're not counting iPhone games (and we're not counting iPhone…
id Software's Rage is out there ready to be purchased, or rented, and played. But should you invest the time and…
Dallas-based id Software has a big title coming out tonight, so Tim Willits, Matt Hooper, John Carmack, and other…
If you've pre-ordered Rage on Steam, now is the time to start pre-loading id's next big game so you're ready to play…
Rage isn't just a shooter. Or a driver. Or a shooting driver. Or a sorta action game. Or a sorta role-playing game.…
Oh don't worry, id's latest and greatest is still scheduled to come out next week; it's premise just got a little…
This final Rage gameplay video gives us a look at Jackal Canyon in id Software's upcoming Rage.