While a 5-month old baby died from internal bleeding, 21-year-old Trent Owen Ngaruhe Hapuku apparently continued…

Kinect works by projecting infared light throughout the room it's situated in. Under normal circumstances, it's…
The New Zealand TV network that ripped off a PS3 ad and was called on it by fake executive Kevin Butler sent the…
Anyone buying the SE Asian or Aus/NZ version of Starcraft II will be allowed to play on North American servers,…
New Zealand television network TV3's recent ad seems incredibly similar to a PS3 commercial from earlier this year.…
Hey, New Zealand TV, you can't go ripping off a PlayStation ad and not expect Sony's VP of Antipodean Beard…
TV3 is a television network in New Zealand. Its latest ad seems very similar to this Sony PS3 spot.
On July 27, 2010, real-time strategy game StarCraft II is going on sale in over fifteen countries. There are more…

Flash game Centaurian already has one great trailer under its belt. But I think this "live @ E3" one is even better…
Note to flacks: Cops aren't considering concepts like viral marketing or cosplay when an actor staggers into a pub…
Poster seen by reader Reagan M. in a gym - not in Ganton, but New Zealand.

With id showing no signs of reviving the Commander Keen IP anytime soon, a guy in New Zealand is taking it upon…
The Wii has thus far been a haven for developers with last-gen experience lacking the money to make the jump to 360…
Kinda strange development taking place over in New Zealand, with Microsoft taking the rather drastic step of…
Print is, for the most part, dying a slow and protracted death. Magazines are shrinking, merging or going out of…
Geekpulp is reporting unofficial word that The Gamesman, New Zealand's largest independent gaming store ("100…
Yup. Strange as it may seem in this day and age where their products are a license to - yes - print money, New…
This footage was taken at a recent SCE New Zealand press event. In the men's bathroom. It's...just...yeah.
The worldwide launch for EA Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning just got a bit more worldwide. Recognizing…