TV3 is a television network in New Zealand. Its latest ad seems very similar to this Sony PS3 spot.
Sony has created a faux spokesperson named Kevin Butler to promote the PS3. TV3 also has a faux spokesperson — comedian Dai Hemwood. No big deal. There's more.
TV3's latest ad not only seems to borrow the spokesperson schtick, but an entire Kevin Butler commercial from this past February — writing, camera set-ups, you name it. Don't believe me? Compare the T3 ad from this July with the Sony ad from this past February.
The Sony ad has one guy talking about his new PS3.
The TV3 television has two people jabbering away. Okay, that's different.
Phony Sony spokesperson Kevin Butler says he has "two words: mon-tage." He points the TV remote at the screen, kicking off a montage.
Phony TV3 spokesperson says he has "two words: mon-tage". He points the TV remote at the screen, kicking off a montage. The aspect ratio changes, which it doesn't in the Sony ad. That's different. I guess.
The montage is scored by hair metal. When it finishes, Kevin Butler is in his office, rocking out on guitar.
The montage is scored by hair metal. When it finishes, the T3 spokesperson is in his office, rocking out on guitar.
Cut to a tighter reaction shot of the slack-jawed Sony customer.
Cut to a tighter reaction shot of the slack-jawed T3 viewers.
Cut to the reaction of the Sony lawyers. There are two words that come to mind, and they're not "mon-tage", nor are they "hom-mage".
Buttonmasher | TV3 Rips Off Kevin Butler [Buttonmasher Thanks, Ahmad!]