Capcom's Spyborgs producer sees something else his team could do to their game to possibly support Wii MotionPlus,…
He or she who wields the MotionPlus in EA's upcoming Wii sports games will be able to play differently, but not…
The Wii's new peripheral, MotionPlus, will be with us soon. And we know what it looks like. But here's what, but for…
Do you think that - like trophy support on the PS3 - there is scope on the Wii for the new MotionPlus technology to…
Those whispers were right on the money: as you can see from the new Wii accessory's packaging, MotionPlus will ship…
Earlier today Nintendo announced that they would start selling the MotionPlus snap-on for their Wii remotes on June…
If Nintendo's exergaming success hacks you off, might want to stop here. A screen shot from a game shop out in…
Hoping the new MotionPlus tech for the Wii will bring some added realism to console's controls? You'll like hearing…
According to IGN, there were whispers on the floor of the Game Developers Conference last week. Whispers about the…
The writing was on the wall when Wii Sports Resort dropped off Nintendo's release schedule, but now there's further…
IGN is saying that earlier news that Dead Space: Extraction would support Wii's MotionPlus technology "is merely…
Think of the applications that will most benefit from Nintendo's Motion Plus for the Wii. Lightsaber fights, that's…
High Voltage chief operating officer Eric Nofsinger told MTV Multiplayer that The Conduit, due out March 2009, will…
Nintendo pissed a lotta third-party publishers off with the secrecy surrounding it's Wii MotionPlus technology. Lucas…
When Nintendo announced MotionPlus for the Wii, who knew about it? Nintendo did. And that's it. They didn't tell a…
The Wii MotionPlus accessory is the next big thing for Nintendo, but it could very well wind up being the next big…

While the promise of 1:1 Wii Remote control is a tantalising one in theory, so far we've seen it working on...Wii…
That's what Game Informer are saying, having spoken to a number of developers at E3. They say none of the devs…