Monster Hunter: World’s crossover events bring over instantly recognizable characters to join in on the slicing and…
Monster Hunter: World is a showcase of the best creature design in video games. From fire-breathing wyverns to weird…
Monster Hunter: World is a smash hit. But the game is currently only playable on the PS4 and Xbox One. Wouldn’t it…
Why just look at the food in Monster Hunter when you can make it in real life? Just look at how the real deal…
Today on Highlight Reel we have dramatic turns, stylish monster hunter kills, and much more!
My Monster Hunter: World save file says I’ve played for about 70 hours. You’d think I’d have learned everything this…
Today on Highlight Reel we have devastating Monster Hunter kills, inappropriate urination, Dragon Ball FighterZ momen…
At a first glance, it may seem like Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter: World don’t have much common. But there are…
Success in Monster Hunter: World isn’t just about knowing what each monster can do, but knowing what you can do.…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Monster Hunter clips, suggestive Battlegrounds glitches, NHL celebrations, and much…
Every so often, Monster Hunter: World will really test your mettle. The massive wyvern Diablos is one such test, and…
Twitter user Otakapin does a pretty good impression of the Monster Hunter: World character creation tool.
Staff Writer Heather Alexandra is sharpening her dual swords and hunting some nasty critters in Monster Hunter World right now on Twitch. You can join in the fun on PS4 with session ID 6nzs3hEAmwJk.
Today on Highlight Reel we have tons of Monster Hunter: World clips, close shaves, Dragon Ball FighterZ moments, and…
Slaying a rampaging rathalos with a team of friends is one of Monster Hunter: World’s greatest joys—if you can sort…
A patch deployed early this morning seems to have fixed Monster Hunter World’s matchmaking issues on the Xbox One. Searching and joining rooms works! SOS works! Maybe next time Capcom will have an Xbox One beta, too!
With the recent release of Monster Hunter: World, we’ve put together a video full of tips to help get newcomers started and veterans brush up a little. Check out our tips post for more in-depth hints. Monster Hunter: World is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and is scheduled for PC later this fall.
Monster Hunter: World might be full of dragons, but the hardest enemy for new hunters to slay is the UI. This quick…
One of the toughest choices you’ll face early in Monster Hunter: World is which weapon to pick. There are so many…
Video game hub worlds are towns and hamlets that the player returns to between gameplay to restock and reflect. In…