Like any community in the world, people who play video games have collaboratively created their own language and…
Like any community in the world, people who play video games have collaboratively created their own language and…
For a lot of gamers with demanding jobs, marriages and/or families, the excitement of reading good reviews for games…
For a beautiful few years, you have near-complete control over what your child plays. You decide what’s allowed and…
There are plenty of fun things you can’t really do when pregnant: waterslides, alcohol, trampolines, staying up past…
After talking my way past the receptionist at a grotty hotel in Katana Zero, I stand in the elevator at the entrance…
I think I fell in love with Yoshi’s Crafted World when I discovered the costumes. You don’t know cute until you’ve…
Given that it is a FromSoftware game, I expected a lot of people would struggle with Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I…
As a gamer parent, I long for the day when I can play side-by-side with my beloved progeny. Overtly or not, I think…
I look at my watch. It’s 9:48pm. I’ll do one more Trials Rising track, I think. After that, since I’m only two…
It’s been a while since I’ve played something as refreshingly uncomplicated as Crackdown 3. You’re a big dude (or…
Wargroove has everything: a charming 2D look, imaginative characters and toylike units placed on gorgeous little…
Do you want to feel like you’ve taken something mildly hallucinogenic and you’re watching foreign-language kids’ TV?…
In real life, I turn a bit green at the sight of a butcher shop. In video games, I am a merciless killer of monsters…
The video games media reports on leaked information all the time. So why, when British website Trusted Reviews…
For a couple of months I’ve been dipping in and out of #SelfCare, a game about deciding to not get out of bed. It’s…
All gamer parents want video games to be a positive part of family life, and parental controls can help achieve that…
This year I bought Shenmue for the third time. I bought it despite knowing, having played it and its sequel three…
For a couple of years, I ran multiplayer Kotaku Game Nights in bars and pubs around London and Brighton, UK. We’d…
Welcome, new hunters. Let me guide you through your first few hours with Monster Hunter: World. Whether you’re a…
Video games often deal in illusions, proffering the fantasy of control and power even when your meaningful influence…