Now playing

Monster Hunter: World’s latest free update adds a new a new elder dragon, the Kulve Taroth and tons of amazing armor and weapons. You can fight the beast as part of a new “siege” mode involving everyone in your online session. The event starts April 18 at 5pm PT.

Monster Hunter: World’s new event quests are live and the loot is absurd. Players completing the “Egg Lovers United” quest can unlock a head piece that turns their head into that of the goofy Kulu-Ya-Ku.

Now playing

This party’s gettin’ crazy! Devil May Cry’s Dante will be coming to Monster Hunter: World in a crossover event later this year. Players can earn his stylish coat and sword, which acts as a powerful Charge Blade.

Heather is grinding scales and bashing barroth in Monster Hunter World now on Twitch. If you have a Ps4, you can join with session ID 3kmci8KCFaBh.
