Over at the International House of Mojo, they've put together a terrific retrospective on the equally terrific…
How many times have we been excited then let down by rumours and cancellations of a third game in the Star Wars:…
Lucasarts, being preoccupied with making average Star Wars games based on terrible Star Wars movies and cartoons,…
I caught this over the weekend when our friends at Rock, Paper Shotgun posted it—some folks have been dilligently…
Australia's classification board has received an application for an M-rated game entitled "Paper, Scissors, Stone,"…
Later this week, the asteroid YU55 will pass close to the Earth. How close? Like, between the moon and the Earth…
Star Wars: The Old Republic launches on Dec. 20 in North America and Dec. 22 in European territories, Bioware and…
Over the past thirty years there have been plenty of memorable Star Wars games, from the Super Star Wars series to…
In the Star Wars universe, nobody ever really wins anything. When good "wins" evil remains, and when evil remains,…
What might have been the perfect Christmas gift for the Star Wars gamer will have to find another special occasion…
Some of the world's greatest paintings collide with some of the world's greatest adventure games in this collection…
For some reason or other, jazz soundtracks are a rarity among video games. Plenty of games feature heroic chiptune…
We played Kinect Star Wars a couple of times last month at E3. Our own Owen Good wasn't impressed. Neither was…
Outlaws was the first FPS title to introduce a zoomed scope for a sniper rifle
When Sony Online Entertainment said it would shut down Star Wars: Galaxies by the end of the year, many teeth were…
While season four of the popular Cartoon Network series Star Wars: The Clone Wars officially kicks off this fall,…
Forget everything you know about Star Wars games. The ones that used control pads, mice or keyboards. Because Fleet…
The high-def remakes of Lucasarts' first two Monkey Island games are being combined in the one box and sold at…
Star Wars Galaxies, a game that's probably more notable for how disappointing it was rather than its moderate…