Star Wars Galaxies, a game that's probably more notable for how disappointing it was rather than its moderate success, is closing down later this year. For most, it elicits a shrug, but for some fans, it's grounds for a lawsuit.
According to a report on VentureBeat, a band of long-time players is putting together a class-action suit to file against Sony Online Entertainment. It's not, as you'd expect, calling for the game to be left open. It's instead in response to calls they've already made.
Ever since the original announcement, players have been petitioning Sony to leave the game's servers open and turn Galaxies into a free-to-play title, but those doing so on the game's forums have seen their posts locked down because "promoting an online petition causes disruption within the community and does not provide gameplay feedback that our development team can use".
It's that lockdown which has prompted the planned suit.
Sounds rough, but when you sign up for a game and its forums, you sign up to their end-user license agreement, and if Sony's says it can delete stuff that "causes disruption" then it can do what it likes. That being the case, I say the possibility of the class action suit succeeding is approximately 3,720 to 1.
Exclusive: Star Wars Galaxies players intend to file class-action lawsuit against Sony [VentureBeat]