For whatever reason, web designers Gifted Apollo went trawling on, and scooped up the image files for…
"Star Wars: First Assault" has been trademarked for "interactive video games", among other things.
It's always pretty clean and well-lit in Star Wars movies, isn't it? Even a place as wretched as the Mos Eisley…
We have no idea how well the newest Star Wars game, 1313, plays. From what little of it we've seen, it appears to…
A sprawling Boba Fett action/stealth game. A Jedi adventure full of edgy moral relativism. Disturbing explorations…
It's OK to get frustrated by a video game. They're often designed to do just that. But there's a line you cross once…
It's a transitional time for the video game division of the kingdom built by Star Wars. It's been about two years…
Don't get too attached to the guy you see shooting blasters and jumping from ship in Star Wars 1313's screenshots…
I don't know how it plays. I haven't played it! But the new Star Wars game, 1313, looks incredible.
A brand new Star Wars video game has been officially revealed tonight. It's called Star Wars: 1313.
The same GameTrailers spill that leaked the announcement of a Castlevania Lords of Shadow sequel also mentions a new …
It's not exactly news that there's a new Star Wars game coming. (Guess what: There is!) But the name for which…
Star Wars: Battlefront III was once a game well and truly in development, at UK studio Free Radical. Since its 2008…
There was a time, years ago, when LucasArts could do no wrong. They were unstoppable. Every time I got their…
Who's John Muir? Do you really want to know? I could tell you, or a bunch of stuffed and mounted animal heads from…
This is very exciting. Nearly three years ago, I did a story on Han Solo Adventures, a fan-made project looking to…
What a ridiculous, attention-grabbing headline! Everybody knows game reviewers have already succumbed to the dark…
We're just a week away from the April 3 launch of Kinect Star Wars, the game you get when you buy that sexy new Sta…
We get sent weird and hilarious emails all the time, but there is a subtle brilliance to what one Australian reader,…
People who know nothing about video games like to sling mud. They'll say that games rot your brain, waste your…