There was a time, years ago, when LucasArts could do no wrong. They were unstoppable. Every time I got their catalogue, The Adventurer, in the mail I would instantly pour over every page and start saving my allowance. It was a magical time to be a gamer.
On Today's Kotaku Mix Tape, we're listening to some of the classics of the golden age of LucasArts. This features the work of composers Clint Bajakian, Michael Land & Peter McConnell, who together scored an entire generation of amazing games.
This list isn't complete—Consider it a first course.
Afterlife - Unnamed Track
The Secret of Monkey Island (SE) - Ghost Ship Shuffle
The Dig - Underwater Cavern
Outlaws - The Ballad of Dr. Death
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Lava Room (Arranged Ver.)
Full Throttle - Chitlins, Whisky and Skirt
Sam and Max Hit the Road - Pleasantly Understated Credit Sequence
Day of the Tentacle - Orchestral Version by FILMHarmonic Orchestra Prague