In a wide-ranging interview at Develop, company president Mike Capps reveals that the makers of Gears of War have…
A blockbuster hit in the iTunes App Store, Epic Games' Infinity Blade has grown too big to be contained by a…
Along with Epic's announcement of Chair's upcoming iOS sequel Infinity Blade 2 came the reveal that novelist Brandon…
So much for Infinity Blade being the go-to game for chest-beating hardcore gamers on iPhone and iPad. Infinity…
One of our favorite iPhone and iPad games is getting a sequel on December 1. Make way for Infinity Blade 2, from…
The creepy cousin to Epic's own Infinity Blade, The Dark Meadow channels all of the iOS power of the Unreal Engine…
Man, I still don't quite know what it was about Shadow Complex. I loved that game so much. So when Cliff Bleszinski…
Combining the slingshot controls of Angry Birds, the swordplay of Fruit Ninja, the gorgeous Unreal Engine-powered…
Epic Games' handsome iPhone and iPad hit Infinity Blade adds its promised multiplayer side this Thursday, May 19…
Computer, console, phone, tablet: The more devices that can play games the better for gamers.
Infinity Blade, for the iPhone and iPad, has won strong praise as an uncommonly good mobile title with impressive…
Chair Entertainment spices up sexy iPhone swordfest Infinity Blade with The Deathless Kings, a free update that…
We were prepared for tomorrow's free update to iPhone/iPad/iTouch hit Infinity Blade. New armor, new helmets, new…
I'm a big fan of swordplay iPhone and iPad game Infinity Blade, but despite the hours I've spent playing the game I…
Infinity Blade is easily the best-looking game on the iPhone. Originally, though, it would have just been…
I'm a big fan of Infinity Blade's amazing graphics and interesting take on iPhone gaming. So it's great to hear…
Infinity Blade on the iPhone looks damn good. And as of Thursday, anyone will be able to make a game for the iPhone,…
Gaming on the iPhone has now perhaps its greatest champion, a sword and magic fighter created by the team behind…
Shadow Complex creator Chair Entertainment brings its Unreal Engine powered action game Infinity Blade (formerly…
This launch trailer gives you a good look at Infinity Blade, the role-playing game for iPhone 4 (and iPad and iPod…