If you wouldn't mind handing me that fork, I'd like to stick it in this week. We'll celebrate the weekend with a…
So, what do you think of Ryan Reynolds as your Green Lantern, fancy computer generated super suit and all? This is…
Lessons learned. That's what we're going to talk about in this post powered by the gods of Asgard. If we're setting…
Hey, Kotaku. Want to get in some non-video game related chat before this Tuesday comes to an end? You're in luck,…
Open thread. Anything goes. Just don't call it Kotaku Off Topic. Or do. You make the rules—well, some of them—in…
It was a year ago this week that I arrived in Oregon as a self-described economic refugee from California. I just…
So I've been on a big BLT kick lately, getting there thanks to my old editor from Jacksonville, N.C. waxing…
The Rust Belt got another karate kick in the jimmy when native Ohioan LeBron James, who never went to college, saw…
We interrupt our regularly on-topic conversation for something a little less so. Though, really, anything is fair…
Time to slough off that awkward "Kotaku Off Topic" headline prefix, don't you think? It's too hot for that. But this…
Today being Independence Day, we're requiring all who comment to make their S'es look like Fs, in the tyranny-free…
Man, who could use a little independence? Good thing this pre-Fourth of July edition of Kotaku Off Topic is now…
In Kotaku Off Topic, action is our reward. That and stimulating conversation about everything from games to comic…
This edition of Kotaku Off Topic gives you wings. On sneakers. It's also a great place to talk amongst yourselves…
In this not so special edition of Kotaku Off Topic, let's talk about non-video game related things we'd really like…
Who doesn't like a good literal visual gag? I know I do and I'll bet a few Kotaku Off Topic regulars do too. This is…

I've invoked plenty of martial themes for the World Cup, not least being France's characteristic surrender.…
Another day, another successful run of mostly video game related posts. Not this one. This is Kotaku Off Topic,…
For relaxing times, make it Kotaku Off Topic time, where we talk about all things, not just video games. But we do…
I know absolutely nothing about soccer, but I'm beginning to feel the stirrings of second-hand excitement. Is this…